Functional Dermatology for Menopausal Skin Care

Beyond the Surface

Uncovering True Skin Health

Menopause is a transformative time marked by hormonal changes that can significantly affect skin health. This natural phase can feel overwhelming as you face new skin concerns. At Elevated – Menopausal Skincare, I understand these challenges and am here to guide you through this transition with clarity and confidence.

Through the lens of functional dermatology, I address the root causes of skin changes seen in menopause and provide personalized solutions to help you achieve healthy, radiant skin during and after menopause. Embrace this new chapter with Elevated, where your skin’s unique needs are met with expertise and compassion.

Two different approaches

Functional vs. Conventional

Functional dermatology, in contrast to conventional approaches, goes beyond surface-level treatments. It employs specialized testing to understand your skin’s needs thoroughly. Practitioners are dedicated to enhancing overall health and wellness, promoting radiant skin from the inside out.

Conventional Medicine

Focus on treating acute
symptoms as they arise

Involves a more "one-size-fits-all" approach

Primarily relies on medications
and procedures

Focus on managing symptoms and disease progression

Functional Medicine

Focus on prevention and
achieving optimal health

Empowers patients to take an active role in their health

Integrates a variety of treatment types

Strives to enhance the body's innate healing mechanisms

Using Functional Dermatology for Flourishing Skin

Tailored Care for Menopausal Skin Changes

Functional dermatology takes a holistic approach to menopausal skincare by addressing the root causes of skin issues rather than just treating symptoms. It combines functional medicine with dermatological practices to provide personalized care tailored to each woman’s needs. By identifying factors like stress, sleep, and diet that contribute to skin changes during menopause, this approach targets the underlying causes of skin issues. Integrating conventional dermatology with natural and alternative treatments ensures optimal results for menopausal skin.

Common Skin Concerns in Menopause

Dryness and Dehydration

Caused by:

Hormonal Changes: Lower estrogen levels reduce the skin’s natural oil production.

Barrier Function Decline: Decreased lipid production affects the skin’s ability to retain moisture.

Caused by:

Reduced Collagen and Elastin:
Estrogen is crucial for collagen synthesis; its decline leads to decreased firmness.

Gravity and Time: Natural aging processes exacerbate sagging, more pronounced wrinkles and fine lines.

Caused by:

Thinner Skin: Reduced collagen makes skin more fragile.

Environmental Factors: Sensitivity to sun, wind, and pollutants increases.

Caused by:

Sun Exposure: Cumulative UV exposure over time.

Hormonal Changes: Fluctuations can trigger melanin overproduction.

Caused by:

Testosterone Imbalance: Increases sebum production, leading to breakouts. 

Stress and Inflammation: Can exacerbate conditions like rosacea.

Holistic approach to skincare

How we intervene

Your skin is as unique as you are, and so is our approach to treatment.

Clinical Nutrition & Dietary Changes

We believe in nourishing your skin from the inside out. Through personalized dietary adjustments and clinical nutrition, we target the root causes of your skin issues, promoting long-term health and radiance.

Beauty sleep isn’t just a saying—it’s science! We’ll help you optimize your sleep patterns to ensure your body has ample time to repair and regenerate your skin cells overnight.

Stress can wreak havoc on your skin. We’ll work with you to develop effective stress management techniques to promote skin harmony and overall well-being.

Exercise isn’t just good for your muscles; it’s excellent for your skin, too! We’ll tailor an exercise regimen that supports skin health and vitality.

Sometimes, your skin needs a little extra support. We’ll prescribe targeted supplements tailored to address your unique skin concerns and optimize your skin’s health from within.

What you put on your skin matters. We’ll guide you toward clean beauty products free from harmful ingredients, ensuring your skincare routine enhances your skin’s natural beauty.

Knowledge is power! We’ll empower you with comprehensive education on skincare best practices, helping you make informed decisions and take proactive steps toward healthier, glowing skin.

Vibrant Skin Awaits

Free Guide for Radiant Skin

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