Functional Dermatology: Healing Your Skin From the Inside Out

An Integrative Approach to Common Skin Conditions

Have you ever felt like you’re constantly battling your skin?

You try every cream, lotion, and potion under the sun, but nothing gives you lasting relief. 

That red, itchy patch just won’t budge, or your acne keeps flaring up no matter what you do. 

It can be incredibly frustrating, leaving you feeling defeated and unsure where to turn next. 

This is where functional dermatology comes in!

Traditional dermatology often focuses on managing symptoms with topical medications, which can be helpful in the short term. But what if there’s a deeper reason your skin is acting up?

Functional dermatology takes a different approach, seeing someone who sees your skin as a reflection of what’s happening inside your body. It’s about understanding the root causes of your skin concerns and those underlying factors that might trigger your issues. (1)

Think of it like detective work – we look beneath the surface to uncover the culprit behind your skin woes. 

The good news?

You can achieve lasting results by addressing these root causes, not just temporary fixes. 

So, if you’re tired of battling stubborn skin problems and looking for a long-term solution, functional dermatology might be the answer you’ve been searching for! It’s not just about treating your skin issues, it’s about empowering you with the knowledge and tools to achieve your healthiest skin, giving you a renewed sense of hope and control over your skin health.

What is functional dermatology?

Traditional dermatology does a fantastic job of diagnosing and treating skin conditions, often with effective topical medications or procedures. 

But what if there’s more to your story?

Functional dermatology takes a different approach. 

Imagine your skin as a window to your overall health. Functional dermatology providers see things this way, believing skin issues can be a symptom of something deeper within your body. 

Remember that detective I mentioned earlier? Think of functional dermatology as that detective looking for clues. We explore factors like gut health, hormones, and even stress levels to uncover the root cause of your skin problems. This means we don’t just treat the symptoms; we dig deeper to understand what’s causing your skin issues and develop a plan to address those underlying causes. 

Here’s the exciting part: by addressing these underlying issues, functional dermatology offers the potential for long-term solutions, not just temporary fixes!

Imagine achieving healthy, clear skin that feels comfortable and confident, all by addressing the root of the problem. 

That’s the power of functional dermatology!

Understanding the Root Cause of Skin Issues

Unlike a one-size-fits-all approach, functional dermatology recognizes that everyone’s skin is unique.

The acne flare-up plaguing you might not have the exact cause as your friend’s breakout. 

This is why identifying the root cause that is specific to you is crucial. 

What could be triggering those pesky skin problems?

Functional dermatology considers potential contributors that go beyond the surface. One cornerstone of functional dermatology is the concept of “test, don’t guess.” 

Here are some key areas we explore:

  • Gut Health: The gut microbiome, the community of bacteria in your digestive system, plays a surprising role in skin health. An imbalance in this gut flora (dysbiosis) or issues like a leaky gut can contribute to various skin conditions. Additionally, food intolerance you might not even be aware of can manifest on your skin. Functional dermatology can help restore and maintain a healthy gut, improving your skin health.
  • Hormonal Imbalances: Hormones fluctuate throughout our lives, and these changes can sometimes appear on our skin. Stress hormones like cortisol can exacerbate existing conditions, while thyroid dysfunction or hormonal changes linked to the menstrual cycle can also play a role. 
  • Nutritional Deficiencies: Our skin needs specific nutrients to function optimally. Deficiencies in vitamins like A, D, and E, or essential minerals like zinc and fatty acids like omega-3s, can contribute to dryness, irritation, and even acne. 
  • Environmental Factors: External factors like stress can trigger skin issues through increased inflammation. Harsh chemicals in skincare products or environmental toxins can also disrupt the skin’s delicate barrier function, leading to irritation and breakouts. 

Functional Dermatology Treatment Options

One of the best things about functional dermatology is the toolbox of treatment options. These solutions can range from dietary modifications and targeted supplementation to stress-busting techniques and gentle, natural skincare products. 

From everyday issues to more complex conditions, functional dermatology can help with the following:

  • Acne
  • Eczema
  • Psoriasis
  • Rosacea
  • Menopausal skin 
  • Dry and sensitive skin 
  • Hair loss

Here’s a glimpse inside my functional dermatology toolbox:

  • Diet & Gut Health: I may recommend dietary modifications to promote gut balance, potentially addressing food sensitivities or leaky gut that can impact skin health.
  • Targeted Supplementation: Based on your individual needs, I recommend specific supplements to address identified deficiencies in essential vitamins, minerals, or fatty acids, all of which play a crucial role in healthy skin function. 
  • Stress-Busting Techniques: Stress can wreak havoc on your skin. We’ll explore strategies like mindfulness or yoga to help you manage stress levels, promoting a calmer you and calmer skin.
  • Skincare Products: Supporting your skin’s natural barrier function is critical. We will review gentle, natural skin care products formulated to nourish and protect, not irritate. These products will work harmoniously with your skin, promoting its health and resilience. 

Functional Dermatology: Healing Your Skin From the Inside Out

Functional dermatology isn’t just about treating skin issues – it’s about uncovering the root cause and promoting long-term skin health from the inside out. 

I empower you with the knowledge and tools to achieve your healthiest skin!

Functional Dermatology for Healthy Skin

Functional dermatology is about understanding what’s happening beneath the surface and creating a personalized roadmap to healthy skin, not just for a few weeks but for the long haul. 

So, how can you access more insight and education into your most significant skin concern?

Grab your FREE ebook on Unlock Clearer Skin: 10 Pillars of Functional Dermatology You Need to Know.

This resource is designed to help you better understand your skin and learn about the principles of functional dermatology. Deep Dive online classes are also coming soon, offering a more comprehensive learning experience.

For me, functional dermatology is all about empowering you to understand your skin and work with it, not against it! It’s not just about providing treatments but also about giving you the knowledge and tools to take control of your skin health. It’s about fostering a partnership between you and your dermatologist to achieve your healthiest skin.


1. “Integrative Dermatology – The Use of Herbals and Nutritional Supplements to Treat Dermatological Conditions.” NCBI, Accessed 2 April 2024.

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