The Skin Sanctuary

You deserve better than to settle for lackluster skin

Menopause has thrown your world for a loop, hasn’t it?

The changes to your body can feel overwhelming, and your skin, once a source of confidence, now feels like a battleground.

Fine lines, wrinkles, and loss of elasticity seem to appear overnight, making it difficult to feel confident in your skin.

It’s frustrating to look in the mirror and see a stranger staring back despite trying countless products and DIY remedies that never seem to work. Plus, the endless beauty advice online is downright confusing.

The struggle with dry and sensitive skin, fine lines, brown spots, and uneven texture can make you feel like giving up.

It feels like your skin has betrayed you, but it doesn’t have to be this way.

You deserve to feel confident and radiant in your skin again. The Skin Sanctuary is here to empower you and put you back in control of your skincare journey.

You're a perfect
fit if you...

Introducing Skin Sanctuary

Here’s what you’ll gain from this transformative menopausal skin care program…

Unleash your skin's true potential

Discover the hidden radiance that lies within your menopausal skin.

Create a Simple, Effective Skincare Regimen

Say goodbye to complicated skincare regimens with a simple yet effective plan that fits seamlessly into your busy life.

Ignite a newfound love of your skin

Feel confident and beautiful as you witness a visible transformation in your skin’s appearance.

Develop a deep understanding of your skin's needs

Gain valuable insights into your skin's changes during menopause and learn how to address them effectively.

How menopause changed my life (and skin)

Like many women, menopause snuck up on me.

At 41, I found myself on edge in my gynecologist’s office. Missed periods, a first for me, had me convinced I might be pregnant. Negative tests left me confused. But there were other unfamiliar symptoms, too: low energy, sleep struggles, mood swings, and occasional hot flashes. These weren’t dramatic; they were real, concerning changes. My periods, after all, had always been dependable.

Then came the bombshell.

A knock on the door, and my doctor delivered the news: “You’re in full-blown menopause. Pregnancy is off the table.” My jaw dropped. Here I was, facing a life-altering shift with little explanation or support. A quick discussion, some treatment options, and…problem solved? Not quite.

Dryness plagued me (everywhere!), my rosacea flared, and weight gain snuck in. I felt lost. No one my age seemed to be going through this, and doctors offered little comfort, passing me off like a burden.

I’m Michelle – functional dermatology Physician Assistant, outdoor enthusiast, and the passionate creator behind Menopause Skin Sanctuary (more on that in a second).

My journey back to balance was a long climb, and through this process, I realized how vital it is to have the proper support and guidance. I’m determined to share the knowledge and skills you need to regain youthful glow, boost self-confidence, and feel good in menopausal skin.

I’m here because I know firsthand your challenges and want to provide the support and solutions I wish I had. After all, empowerment and control start with knowledge!

So, whether you’re approaching menopause, in the midst of it, or seeking solutions for post-menopausal skin concerns, we can navigate this journey together.

– Michelle

work with me

What to expect


Uncover Your Skin’s Unique Story

Our journey begins with a detailed skin questionnaire, helping us uncover the hidden patterns and root causes of your menopausal skin concerns.


Curating Your Skincare Sanctuary

In this personalized consultation, we’ll curate a skincare plan tailored to your needs and goals, including product recommendations, application techniques, and expert tips that ensure visible results and elevate your daily self-care.


Mastering your menopause skin

Through our biweekly Zoom sessions, we’ll debunk myths, answer your pressing questions, and give you the practical tools to care for your skin confidently.


uncovering your skin's unique story

Our journey begins with a detailed skin questionnaire, helping us uncover the hidden patterns and root causes of your menopausal skin concerns.


curating your skincare sanctuary

In this personalized consultation, we’ll curate a skincare plan tailored to your needs and goals, including product recommendations, application techniques, and expert tips that ensure visible results and elevate your daily self-care.


mastering your menopause skin

Through our biweekly Zoom sessions, we’ll debunk myths, answer your pressing questions, and give you the practical tools to care for your skin confidently.

Beyond Expert Knowledge and Practical Tools…

Unlock These Unique Benefits

Personalized attention

Your skin deserves the ultimate VIP treatment and a dedicated skincare expert in your corner, and that’s precisely what you’ll get. As your skincare coach, I’ll uncover the secrets to your skin’s radiance. With personalized guidance and tailored recommendations, you’ll discover a skincare regimen that truly transforms.

holistic skincare approach

Your skin is a mirror of your overall health. Let's uncover the underlying factors contributing to your skin's concerns. We'll create a foundation for healthy, radiant skin by nurturing your body from within. Together, we'll discover a holistic approach that transforms your skin and boosts your confidence.

your personalized skincare ritual

Discover the power of a customized skincare regimen. I'll create a tailored plan that addresses your unique skin concerns and goals. You'll have a clear roadmap to radiant skin from morning to night. Say goodbye to guesswork and hello to a skincare regimen that genuinely delivers results.

dedicated, on-going support system

Enjoy ongoing support and guidance with exclusive email access to me and my team throughout the program. Get quick answers to your questions and receive personalized recommendations, and enjoy exclusive discounts on follow-up 30-minute consultations for one year.

The sanctuary promise

You’re here to restore your skin’s confidence and radiance. You seek straightforward, practical solutions without the frustration of endless trial and error. You’re done wasting time and money on products that promise much but deliver little.

I understand your frustration, and I know that I can help.

When you join the Menopause Skin Sanctuary, you embark on a transformative journey to rediscover your skin’s natural beauty. In just 90 days, you can experience a noticeable difference. And I’m committed to providing the support, expertise, and personalized guidance you need to achieve lasting results.

I’ve dedicated my career to helping women like you. I’m confident that this program will exceed your expectations. Your skin health is my priority.

Discover What Sets Menopause Skin Sanctuary Apart

Sticking with your current approach to skincare

With the Menopause Skin Sanctuary

Watch your youthful glow fade as fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin become more prominent.

Rediscover your radiance with a personalized skincare plan designed to reverse and minimize the signs of aging.

Feel the sting of diminished self-confidence as your skin reflects your age.

Boost your self-esteem through targeted treatments and expert guidance that provide a renewed sense of confidence in your appearance.

Endure the frustration of uneven skin tone, dark spots, and rough texture.

Achieve a more even skin tone, reduced dark spots, and improved skin texture with targeted treatment recommendations and expert guidance.

Face the pressure to resort to drastic measures like Botox, fillers, or plastic surgery.

Embrace natural beauty and long-lasting results with a holistic approach.

Neglect your skin’s overall health and well-being.

Nourish your skin from within and achieve optimal skin health through personalized care.

Waste time, money, and energy on ineffective products.

Invest in yourself and reap the rewards of a customized skincare regimen.

What's Included

This holistic approach ensures that you’re not just treating the symptoms but addressing the root causes of skin changes during this phase of life. This is the unique path that leads to lasting transformation and confidence.

Your Personalized Skincare Ritual

Valued at $300

1-Hour biweekly calls

Covering gut health, dietary impact, sleep, exercise, and stress for three months

One 1/2-hour follow up call

Call can be used 3-6 months after we complete our coaching together

Access to my personalized favorite products

PDF of products that I have been curating over the years for all skin types

Discounted acCess to my pop-up webinars

Webinars cover other hot topics like : breath-work in menopause and hair loss in menopause

Menopause skincare retreats

Preferred access and discount to Menopause Skin Care Retreats 2025

are your ready?

Let's connect

As time passes, menopause continues to affect your skin, deepening fine lines, reducing elasticity, and impacting your confidence.

You deserve better. You deserve to look in the mirror and embrace the changes with grace.

The Menopause Skin Sanctuary isn’t just about finding the right products – it’s a transformative journey to rediscover your skin’s radiance.

I accept only two new clients each month to give you the personalized support and results you deserve.

Don’t wait to take this step toward radiant, confident skin. Secure your spot now and embrace the next chapter of your life with grace.

You’ve got this!

In case you're wondering...


While every woman’s skin is unique, you can expect to start noticing improvements in your skin’s texture, tone, and hydration within 4 to 6 weeks. Remember, consistency is key! As your skin renews, you’ll continue to see enhancements throughout the program.
Knowing if your skincare products are working is personal. That’s why I carefully select and test every product I recommend. You’ll notice a visible difference in your skin’s texture, tone, and hydration. Look for improvements in fine lines, dark spots, and overall radiance. Remember, consistency is critical. Give your new regimen at least eight weeks to see results. Don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns.
Absolutely! Effective skincare doesn’t have to break the bank. I believe in creating personalized regimens that work within your budget without compromising results. We’ll focus on key ingredients and products targeting your skin concerns. Together, we’ll build an effective and affordable skincare regimen.
Absolutely! Let’s maximize your existing skincare regimen. We’ll carefully assess your current products and determine which ones align with your skin goals. I’ll recommend key additions or replacements to create a potent, streamlined regimen. Remember, it’s about building a foundation for healthy skin, not necessarily starting from scratch.
Your new skincare regimen should be a treat, not a chore. I’ll design a simple, practical plan that fits seamlessly into your day. Think of it as a mini-spa moment—a few minutes of self-care to nourish your skin and boost your mood. With clear, step-by-step guidance, you can incorporate your new regimen effortlessly into your daily routine.
Whether you’re in the early stages of perimenopause or well into this chapter, investing in your skin’s health is never too soon. Your skin reflects your overall well-being, and by addressing its specific needs, you can enhance your confidence and vitality. Together, we can create a skincare plan that supports you through this transformative time.
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